Las Lajas Sanctuary

After the fiestas in Pasto, it was time to move on to another country: Ecuador!

I made my way to the border town Ipiales and left my bag in the left luggage at the bus station. It was noticeably colder there.  From there I took a collectivo to Las Lajas which is a cathedral built in the mountainside.  The legend is that a local lady and her daughter went for a walk and the girl said to her mother that she could hear God calling to her from the rock, so they built a cathedral there!

On the way I saw the local dish of guinea pig being toasted on a fire, yuck! I walked down to the cathedral and walked around, below and above. Inside it was busy with a service going on. I saw a family donate a plaque to the cathedral by taking out their own cement and doing a DIY job on  the wall.
The cathedral was very impressive but soon it was time to head onto Ecuador!






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